"What started as an informal network of sharing skills and hobbies now has ambition to become much more. The current crisis in the Oakland Unified School District as well as the isolated and ineffectual approaches of much of the "radical community" has led us to the broader community of the East Bay; the very neighborhoods we live in." |
FreeSkoolFlyers | FreeSkoolWhatIs | FreeSkoolBackgroundArchive | FreeSkoolScheduleArchive | FreeSkoolPlanningArchive
The BarringtonCollective is starting a FreeSkool for summer 2005! The summer 2005 schedule of classes is finally available. Classes will begin June 1st and run until August 31st.
We plan to keep adding more classes as interest grows. So if you have any inkling to teach, facilitate or learn collectively, contact us at freeskool@barringtoncollective.org. You can also join the StoneSoup which accompies our meetings, every Tuesday at 6pm-9pm.
Upcoming Events
There are no current upcoming events.
I'm Interested, What Next?
At the very least, please feel free to sign up to our low-volume announcements email list.
If you want to teach a class or help out in any other way, then email us at freeskool@barringtoncollective.org. Please include your contact information (email and/or phone number) and, if you want to teach a class, a short description of the class. You should also sign up to our discussion email list.
Consider dropping by our regular meetings, normally held every Tuesday, 8pm, at Nabolom Bakery (2708 Russel Ave, Berkeley). Feel free drop in on the Stone Soup which is at the same location starting at 6pm. The collective is completely open to new members and we're really friendly too (assuming we get enough sleep). Also look at UpcomingEvents for more details.
FreeSkoolFlyers | FreeSkoolWhatIs | FreeSkoolBackground | FreeSkoolSchedule | FreeSkoolPlanning