
The Long Haul is a local radical (in more ways than one!) infoshop. It's located at 3124 Shattuck, and is home to the Slingshot, the regular zine that began from a group of folk putting out a Disorientation zine, a whole bunch of years ago. Stop by during regular hours Monday-Thursday, 6-9pm for a free cup of coffee, a browse through the library, and a gander at the zines and patches.

Regular Events

Sunday Nights @ 7:00 - Cafe Night

Tuesday @ 4~6 PM - East Bay Needle Exchange coordinating meeting

Tuesday @ 8:00~10:00 PM - Anarchist Study Group

First Wednesday each month @ 7:30 Food Not Bombs General Meeting

Wednesday @ 6~8 PM - Prisoner Support Night

Thursday @ 7:00 Berkeley Liberation Radio General Meeting

Barrington Collective: DisorientationZine/2007/TheLongHaul (last edited 2008-01-10 05:18:23 by anonymous)