STONE SOUP ::DATE: Tuesdays ::TIME: 8 PM ::LOCATION: 1120 Center Street ::NAME: Barrington Collective

A free-form skillshare and workshop night, paired with a communally cooked meal.

SOCIAL REVOLUTION ::DATE: Wednesdays, starting January 25 ::TIME: 6-8 PM ::LOCATION: UC Berkeley campus, 110 Wheeler ::NAME: Shane Bauer

This course will present revolution not as something to be carried out by a political vanguard, but as a social movement; something largely created by us in our daily lives and through the power that we hold as members of society.

COMPOST ::DATE: Sunday, March 5 ::TIME: 12-2 PM ::LOCATION: 604 56th Street at Shattuck ::NAME: Molly Nakahara

Come on out and learn a few urban-friendly ways of transforming food, garden, and dumpster scraps into compost. Why make compost? We'll talk about it.

LOVE YOUR CAMERA! A BASIC INTRO TO YOUR MANUAL FILM CAMERA ::DATE: February 25 and March 11 ::TIME: 11 am-1 pm ::LOCATION: 923 Apgar Street ::NAME: Alex Safron

---Bring a manual film camera with 400 speed, black and white film, or questions.--- ASA vs. ISO, aperture vs. F-stop, film types, zoom, shutter speed, depth of field, and focus! What does it all mean? Come and find out. We'll discuss these concepts and head outside to try 'em out.

FOOD NOT BOMBS NEWBIE DAY ::DATE: every Friday ::TIME: starting at 11AM, serving at 3PM ::LOCATION: 3090 King Street, Berkeley (location for this class may change! Check!) ::NAME: Friday Food Not Bombs Crew

We are a decentralized, non-hierarchical organization operating largely outside the capitalist economy because of dedicated volunteers and the donations/surplus of food, providing free healthy food (usually vegan) to anyone who wants it.

PAD MAKING ::DATE: Thursday, February 16 ::TIME: 4 PM ::LOCATION: 604 56th Street at Shattuck ::NAME: Lori

Save money, preserve your health and the planet's, and subvert the blood-cover-up industry by sewing your own cloth pads. All genders welcome.

ASL CONVERASATION GROUP ::DATE: Friday, February 24 ::TIME: 4 PM ::LOCATION: 604 56th Street at Shattuck ::NAME: Lori

Practice your American Sign Language, or learn the basics. Together we'll plan a weekly meeting time.

PAPER MAKING ::DATE: Thursday, March 2 ::TIME: 4 PM ::LOCATION: 604 56th Street at Shattuck ::NAME: Lori

Send a love letter on recycled paper made by you, imbedded with romantic seeds. Plant the note to watch flowers and veggies sprout!

BODY WORK SKILLSHARE ::DATE: Thursdays ::TIME: 6 PM ::LOCATION: 1120 Center Street ::NAME: Barrington Collective

Exploring and sharing skills of many types of massage.

POETRY WORKSHOP ::DATE: Mondays ::TIME: 6:30-9:30 PM ::LOCATION: Oakland Public Library, 125 14th Street ::NAME: Contajus

Book binding, zine making, and poetry workshop.

Barrington Collective: calendar (last edited 2008-01-10 05:18:24 by anonymous)