This Group Is Not Active (3/31/05)
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There is a new SPAZ Anarchy Reading and Discussion Group starting and meets each Thursday at 8 pm at SPAZ North (4th and Jones). We read the email list, so feel free to contact it if you are interested in organizing new meetings or joining the new one at SPAZ and want directions to the location.
Are you wondering if the reading group is a Barrington Collective or SPAZ reading group? Well, then, you must realize that actually the BC isn't a group really, more of a collective of collectives of collectives and then you can reverse it all and it would still be the same thing.
Our friends in the community also have a weekly study group at the Long Haul (3124 Shattuck Ave. Berkeley CA, 94705) every Tuesday at 8 pm. Check their website for more info.
We are interested in expanding our understanding of histories, practices and theories related to Anarchism. All are welcome!
New to anarchism? Check out the excellent anarchist faq, Liz A. Highleyman's An Intro to Anarchy or Peter Kropotkin's Anarchism or Malatesta's Anarchy
This week's reading (for 11/04/04 discussion):
Bolo' Bolo' Here's the text from bolo' bolo' that can be found online:
This version has a few more sections than the one above, I believe:
SPAZ Anarchy Reading Group
October 28, 04
Recommended parts (though you can of course read whatever ya want to): Part 2: The Free Spirit Whatever you can, it's a lot of stuff but most of it seems relevant; Specifically on Morality: Part 9: What is Noble? #260; From Part 7: Our virtues #221, 223, 225
October 21, 04
The Tong, by Hakim Bey
October 14, 04
- Selected essays by Hakim Bey
Essay by Malatesta (optionally)
Past readings:
Sept 29, 03
Sept 15-22, 03
Sept 8, 15 03:
Society of the Spectacle and Revolution of Everyday Life. These are rather long, we will probably take two weeks to cover them.
Sept 1, 03:
Aug 18 and 25, 03:
A New World in Our Hearts, Eight Years of writings from the Love and Rage Revolutionary Anarchist Federation.
Aug 11, 03:
A Hardcore Feminist Critique of White Supremacist Capitalist Patriarchy
Intro to Anarchafeminism: ,
To motivate discussion of personal experiences with feminism and/or patriarchy/sexism/misogyny within the movement(s): ,
Aug 4, 03:
Francisco Ferrer's The Origin and Ideals of the Modern School
July 28, 03:
Carol Ehrlich's Anarchism, Socialism and Feminism.
Colin Wright's Anarchism, Feminism and the Individual.
July 21, 03:
- Wendy-O Matick's "Redefining our Relationships: Guidelines for Responsible Open Relationships"
[ ], ISBN 1-58790-0157.
July 14, 03:
Hakim Bey's "Temporary Autonomous Zones"
Freddy Perlman's The Continuing Appeal of Nationalism and various other pieces on nationalism: various pieces
Before July 7, 03:
The closing court speeches of the Chicago Haymarket Martyrs of 1886 in transcript form
Emma Goldman's What I believe & Anarchism: What it really stands for
Some pieces on the Spanish Collectives in Daniel Guerin's anthology No Gods, No Masters available at
Ward Churchill's Pacifism as Pathology and a reply by George Leaky
and more...