we had a tormented, unfocused, and largely fruitless first half of the meeting. one person came in to witness it all-- he's an esl teacher in sf, they're startin up an esl teacher union, and he watned to see if what we were doing had anything to offer what they were doing. he left on good terms. we then moved into the basement and began to be productive. i committed to going to a parent meeting on yesterday. we had a long theoretical and meaningful discussion on power structures and priveledges (class, age, race, gender) and who we though twe were going nto workin class neightborhoods and tryin to teach calsses to people who had toatlly different lives from us. we decided that this was no reason not to go into these neighborhoods, but that it would be useful for us to alway sbe aware of priveledge and the priveledges we brin with us in order to interect with people in a more heirarchical manner. we talked about tinkers-- teh bc wants to do a few work party days with them, connect with them, etc. we decided who's going to flyer where. we're meeting saturday at 10:30 at fort awesome to go flyer oaktown. we did check outs, which consisted of "before the next meeting i am goin to...." statements (very useful). and decided to write up a few things individually to bring to the next meeting:
a check-in/report back (this is to minimize teh time we spend on these items) thoughts/ideas of power/priveledge as it relate to what we're doing with teh freeskool ideas of how we want to run/ what we want to say at the neighborhood meeting in fruitvale.
and we decided that takin notes by hand is really hard. zoe took them, some of the time. and apparently didn't post them. alas.