Here are the Minutes for the 15th of December. Sorry it took so long for me to send them to you. Look forward to getting things going again soon.
- Thomas
Barrington Collective Minutes #5 (12/ 15/02) Stebbins
1. DIY Festival Recap-
- CZ reaction: A few residents didn't like the loudness of the bands. Most were really happy about the clean-up job we did. Not many CZers came (hung-over from special dinner, asleep, studying for finals, shock of event (?), (not everyone interested)... bad timing for us.
- Food-Not-Bombs- worked really well, excellent food, everyone appreciated it
- workshops- too many at the same time (3 ran at the same time) weren't advertised on flyers, perhaps would have attracted people just for the workshops, but it all worked out well when people took initiative
- tables- some were effective, some weren't, kind of cramped area
- People made contacts among themselves (super-plus says John and others agree)
- We should have planned more in advance and with more people spear-heading (so we could set a program earlier and advertise specifics)
- Panelists- more diversity of panelists would have been nice
- bicycle blender rocked
2. Autonomy issue-
- SCOOP used to be independent, then it was co-opted when it was institutionalized and now it's a less forceful and different publication than it's orginal intent
- Barrington Collective is autonomous and most would like to keep it this way
- issue of money arises: Student group money? USCA Money? In favor: we need money for our events, copying expenses, etc. Against: we need to maintain autonomous to remain forceful, unconstrained by rules and regulation, non-institutionalized (keep spontaneous energy) possible compromise: can ask for money for specific events; other suggestions: let's be more creative (have fundraisers, have donation bins at events, have something that we can sell to keep funds for the organization, ect.
3. Documentary-
- making one to document the early formation of the group, to capture the spirit of the group and to document debates and resolutions and a source of future reference for the organization
4. Website (John. Charlie)-
- Not everyone uses computers (we shouldn't be to website dependent/ heavy) so mailing list software with subgroups (in the making, will be finished by the beginning of February) will be used for discussion instead of discussion board on website (although there will be some discussion on the website)
John and Charlie need: pictures from events, your own interpretation of what the Barrington Collective is, mission statements of subgroups also, subgroup representative names, web address will be (it's not finished yet, but check it out and send suggestions to Charlie <charlied at> and John <jingoro at>)
5. Post Break plans (we're taking a break from stuff in late December and early January because many people are leaving)-
a. Marissa suggests- mace, weapons safety seminar so people can carry mace for protection; possibly taken on by the women's sub-group since people feel that it's opens the general Barrington Collective up to too many events if we take it on and possibly splinters the group.
b. Encourage the flexibility of the group (I don't know what the was supposed to mean, I took bad notes)
c. Make two flyers to be posted atleast once monthly: 1) a list of all the sub-groups with contact info., mission statements, when they meet, and a note on how to start your own sub-group 2) A monthly calendar of events
d. Make a list of contacts/ resources sheet:
e. Events to do (who might do the event is in parentheses): DIY Festival- maybe april (BC general), Art Show (Alkaline Collective), Copy Cafe- sewing, art, letter writing in a group (writer's bloc and Copy Cafe), co-op tour (?), Mace/ Weapons Safety Seminar (Marissa), Individual in-depth workshops every week or two around the co-ops (BC General), WESTCO report back (general)
f. challenge to take on for the months following the break- prepare for the transition of the group when current members leave Berkeley, increase representation around the co-ops and in the Berkeley area, increase awareness of our group, help people who have newly signed up or who were to busy previously get involved with what they're interested in, get Freshman (especially) and Sophomore representation, Extend more fully into the East Bay community,
g. Have a B.C. retreat somewhere- Any ideas? Try to use the USCA cabin (?). Backpacking ? , bring suggestions up to the group
h. Start the B.C. documentary- (Art/ Film/Alexis: I don't know what that means either but it sounds like a winning combination for just about anything to me)
i. Actually get some stickers and PRINT THEM ON THE CORRECT SIDE.
J. Film (?)