Logistical Lessons from Previous DoItYourselfFestivals
Things to keep in mind when communicating with workshop organizers...
When confirming a workshop, tell the organizor to check in with BC table at least 15 minutes prior to the start of their workshop.
- Have organizers send an active confirmation, e.g., who's going to be there, how many tables, how much time needed, etc.
- Don't set up two standout (popular) workshops in the same time period.
Things to keep in mind when communicating with Food not Bombs...
- Communicate with them, especially at their meetings. Do not stop communicating them. Don't let them forget about the festival!
Things to bring to the festival (that are sometimes forgotten)...
- At least least one megaphone.
- At least one flashlight.
- Poles to prop up workshop signs.
Things to keep in mind when setting up the festival...
- Separate the BC table from the other tables so that people know where to go to ask questions.
- Have visible areas, including banners on poles, for workshops.
- Split up tasks among each volunteer the day before and the day of.
Things to keep in mind when contacting bands...
- Before putting them on flyer (confirming), ask the band contact if he or she has already asked their bandmates about playing at the festival.
Things to keep in mind when creating the flyer...
- On the flyer, say the event starts 1-2 hours before you really want it the workshops to start.
Things to keep in mind when using People's Park
- Power, e.g., electricity, can be made available at People's Park.
- Talk to the People's Park coordinator many times during the day.
Things we need to do more of in general...
- Organize the festival in solidarity with the Berkeley skillshare community and Berkeley elders.
- Do more outreach and advertising to students.
- Do more outreach to people in San Francisco, Sacramento, San Jose and Stanford.
- Proofread the program.
- Utilize the website.
- Hold a campus bake sale to advertise the festival.
- Have an opening band.
- Have an afterparty.